FAQ for Domain Tagging
Tagging Guidelines
Tag what you know.
Better to tag "Not sure" than an uncertain Yes or No.
Tag each category independently.
You may tag a domain in more than one category; treat each category separately.
Tag the domain as a whole.
Tagging is at the level of the domain, not the site section or path.
This Domain Tagging bookmarklet makes tagging and voting even easier. With one click, go straight to the domain detail page for the site you're on. Drag this link (Domain Tagging) to your browser menu bar.
- How does Domain Tagging work?
- How do I tag a domain?
- How do I submit a domain for Domain Tagging?
- What counts as a domain?
- What do I do if a domain is tagged incorrectly?
- How do I block a tagged category?
- What does Top Site mean?
- What are possible statuses for a domain?
- What are the available categories?
- Phishing and PhishTank
- How many domains are in the system?
- How do I see a domain's tagged categories?
- Why do I have to be signed in to submit or tag domains?
- Who are the moderators?
How does Domain Tagging work?
Visit the About page.
How do I tag a domain?
- Sign in or create a free account.
- Verify Yes | No | Not sure for each Undecided category for a domain, either on the Domain Tagging home page or the domain detail page (YouTube.com example).
Note: Tagging a new category for a domain is the same as verifying "Yes" for that tag.
How do I submit a domain for Domain Tagging?
Any member of the OpenDNS community may submit up to 1000 domains at a time, with tags.
What counts as a domain?
Domain names are used for navigating the Internet with words rather than numbers, since words are easier to remember. For example, the OpenDNS System page is available at both system.opendns.com and
For Domain Tagging, a domain ends at the Top Level Domain (TLD): .com, .org, .co.uk and so on.
Consider these two URLs:
For Domain Tagging purposes, these are the same domain, en.wikipedia.org. See its domain detail page.
For example, these two domains are unique.
Each of these domains has its own detail page. mail.yahoo.com and search.yahoo.com
Note: Every domain has an domain detail page, found at: https://domain.opendns.com/DOMAIN.TLD
What do I do if a domain is tagged incorrectly?
If an undecided domain is tagged incorrectly, vote No.
If a decided domain is tagged incorrectly, go to the domain detail page and click the "Flag for review" link.
Community moderators will review all reports.
OpenDNS users can whitelist any domain in the Dashboard. Whitelisted domains are always available on your networks, regardless of tags.
How do I block a tagged category?
In the OpenDNS Dashboard, choose which categories you'd like to filter from your network(s).
Throughout Domain Tagging, use the "Manage your filtering settings" arrow to go directly to your Dashboard.
What does Top Site mean?
The "Top Site" label on a domain is based on internal and external measurements of its popularity. All changes to Top Sites are reviewed by community moderators.
What are possible statuses for a domain?
For each domain submitted by a member, the domain may be:
- Awaiting Votes -- Community is voting on this domain's tags.
- Approved -- Domain is confirmed in the category by the community.
- Rejected -- Domain does not belong in the category, according to the community.
What are the available categories?
Domain Tagging starts with a few dozen categories, viewable on the Domain Tagging home page or the Submit Domains page. If the community needs an additional category, suggest a category.
Phishing and PhishTank
OpenDNS operates PhishTank and uses its free, hiqh-quality data to protect OpenDNS customers, with more than 600,000 phishes blocked by November 2010. The phishing category will be handled by the PhishTank community for now.
How many domains are in the system?
The community stats are on the Domain Tagging home page, updated continuously.
How do I see a domain's tagged categories?
Use the Check Domain search tool at the top right of every page in Domain Tagging to find the domain detail page. Or replace DOMAIN.TLD with your domain in this URL: https://domain.opendns.com/DOMAIN.TLD
Why do I have to be signed in to submit or tag domains?
All submissions and votes tie back to community members because reputation matters. The system weights your past submissions and accuracy when calculating your contribution.
Note: If you prefer to keep your OpenDNS username private, you may choose a Display Name. Anywhere your username appears, your Display Name will be shown instead.
Who are the moderators?
Moderators are a mix of OpenDNS employees and trusted community members. Moderators are identified throughout the community by a badge
. Would you like to be a moderator? Tell us why -- we'd love the help.